Looking for a lawyer to assist you in a court case, to mediate in times of conflict or to advise you on how to avoid litigation?
Opt for Mattijs, Voet & Co lawyers, with offices in Mechelen, Lier and Antwerp. Many SMEs and private clients have preceded you and will tell you: “sound advice is worth its weight in gold”!
Advocatenkantoor Mattijs, Voet & Co has been synonymous with qualitative legal advice since 1985:
- A passion for law: our lawyers love their job. All our lawyers are specialists in their own field, enthusiastically keep pace with the latest developments in their particular branch of the law and are always happy to answer any questions you may have in relation to their particular area of expertise.
- Experience: over the past 34 years, the firm has earned itself an enviable reputation. Aside from being able to draw on an excellent academic background, our lawyers never miss an opportunity to avail of further training. This means that you can bank on advice that is truly reliable, up to date and has stood the test of time.
- Teamwork: within the firm itself, the lawyers work closely together. At Advocatenkantoor Mattijs, Voet & Co, you will find all the expertise under one roof and will always see the right specialist assigned to your file. No single lawyer can ever be an expert in every aspect of the law but a large team like ours can.
- Reliable and honest: in agreement with you, we select the correct strategy for every situation. Your lawyer will never lose sight of the wider cost/benefit picture. Often, there is far more to be gained from preventing a dispute ending up in court, which is where your lawyer will prove to be invaluable. As your privileged advisor, he or she will help you to prevent conflict and litigation. As a skilled mediator, your lawyer will help you to negotiate your way towards a resolution.
- Fast and accurate: thanks to its excellent infrastructure, with 3 offices in Mechelen, Lier and Antwerp and a 28-strong team of professionals, you can rest assured that your issue is dealt with quickly and accurately. We opt for fast project management, one single point of contact for your project, and the facility to follow up your file in real time, via personalised and secure access to our client server.
- Local and international service: via our international network EUROJURIS we can bank on a reliable legal partner in all the major European cities.
Advocatenkantoor Mattijs, Voet & Co has a concrete answer to all your law-related questions and offers you a tailored solution to your day-to-day legal issues.
34 years after its foundation, Advocatenkantoor Mattijs, Voet & Co is still looking after people’s legal interests with the enthusiasm of a starter, but does so with the experience of a wise old man.